So trying to have your own business can be a lot of work. A lot of work in the sense of keeping yourself motivated, trying to create new things, finding ways to expand your clientele and getting your name out there for starters...but regardless of the difficulties I want to keep trying even if it takes me a while to accomplish and attain my goal! This week I am going to Renaissance Hair School to see if I can sell some of my accessories. If I want to have success I've got to be creative in how and where I sell stuff, right? :) I'll let you know how it goes!
These pictures are from Girls Night a few months ago which is a perfect example of having to work! I had to put it on twice because the first time I planned it on the WRONG day. Who's going to show up when there's a BYU football game going on? Umm...NO one! haha...I'm glad that people came and enjoyed themselves. Thanks goes out to my sister Danielle for being the photographer and for everyone who came!