Friday, February 25, 2011

A great gift for a great friend

This blog post is about one of my dear friends named Caitlin. We've known each other for over three years now and we have had a lot of fun times together. If you don't know Caitlin already you really should get to know her if at all possible because she is a hoot and keeps you on your toes! She would scare me at work on purpose when I was busily working away in my office and there's even a video to prove it! lol
So in September 2010 Caitlin became engaged. At her bridal shower I told her that my gift was going to be a hair accessory for her wedding day. She was thrilled at the idea which made me happy:) This is what the design of the flower turned out as per her request. It was then put on to a headband.

Here she is sporting it at a basketball game! Unfortunately there weren't any pictures taken of her wearing it at the receptions etc but that's okay :) Doesn't it just look great on her? The one great thing about this gift is that she can wear it over and over again for years to come as a married woman! Here's to you Caitlin :)

Caitlin has also helped me with two of my photo shoots by being a model for my accessories! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of her wearing some Wildflower Accessories.